Does porn leads to agression during sex ?

People who watch porn become sexually aggressive

Recently it was published in a Journal of Communication that too much watching of porn can make you aggressive and this change is not instant but gradually and slowly the behavior changes. It is an interesting piece of information which has been shared by the journal of communication as most of the people around the world watch porn even it is not legal in many countries. So beware of porn as it may make changes in your attitude which is not restricted to males only but females also.

One more interesting thing about this study which I have found is that they have only considered the adults for the project and not the teenagers as I feel that they are also big part of the porn consumption population and a different or separate study should also be done on them to analyse the results.

22 studies were done in 7 different countries and after analyzing the results it was found that consumption of porn is associated with aggression across the countries and it is not restricted to males only bit females also.

The impact was more on verbal than the physical sexual aggression although both are significant.
Researchers from Indiana University and University of Hawai at Manoa United States found that it maybe because of the violent factor in the porn and it is also an exacerbating factor for the sexual aggression.

Overall the collected looked at self- reports of pornography consumption and act of sexual aggression which includes sexual harassment and sometimes use of force or threats.

It was acknowledged by the researchers that the cause of sexual aggression are complex and that it was also found that many of the porn viewers were found non sexually aggressive.

But at the end and the final result of the study shows that the accumulated data leave very little doubt that on the average, individuals who watch porn more frequently are more likely to hold attitudes conducive to sexual aggression and engage in actual acts of sexual aggression than individuals who do not watch or consume porn or people who less frequently watch porn.

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